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It's the kid, stupid.

You've waited patiently for news about next season. Now that Comic-Con's over, we can tell you what we told the crowd there, and a few tidbits extra...

Season 5 in a nutshell is this: It's the kid, stupid. This season's big story is going to be driven by Melinda and Jim's new little guy, Aiden. Carl the Watcher told Melinda that her son would be able to do what she did, “and much, much more” -- and he wasn't lying. From the first episode -- brilliantly directed by Jennifer Love Hewitt -- it will become apparent what some of those gifts are. And that's because, yes, we're jumping five years ahead. I'd like to pretend we agonized over the decision, but really it was a no-brainer. No one wants to miss those early moments of young parenthood for Jim and Melinda -- but those moments are far outweighed by what we'd miss if we didn't jump forward to the time when their son first starts to display some of his special abilities. Plus, you can't do anything very interesting with a newborn. You can feed him, you can change him, you can put him down for a nap. But that doesn't make for very good t.v. Trust me, I've tried.

And what about those special abilities? Well, we're not going to give that away quite yet. But as I've suggested on this site before, the boy is going to be able to see and sense things that his mother Melinda can't. Which means a few different things. For one, it changes the rules. When we see through the child's eyes that there is a whole other plane of existence that we never knew existed, and we see that plane is populated by beings both good and bad (very very very bad), suddenly all our assumptions go out the window. All kinds of things can happen that never happened before.

For another, Melinda's job gets a little more interesting. Having a child who sees and senses things no one else does can help -- and hinder -- in her work. But she has a brand new job, too, and one that's even more complicated than the job she had before. All of us with kids know parenting is a big responsibility. You don't want to screw it up. You want your kids to be happy. But you also secretly hope (and worry): what if they grow up to be President? What if they find themselves in a place where they can make a change? Or, let's say, fight off the forces of evil? With a child like that, you REALLY don't want to screw it up. You have a big responsibility. You have to prepare that child for the job he has to do, and protect him from everyone and everything out there that wants him to fail. Or worse...

Melinda and Jim have a son who sees things that no one in their world has ever seen before. And some of those things don't want to be seen. At all...
