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I swore to myself...

... that I wouldn't turn this blog into piffle, with constant frivolous personal posts, but since I'm embargoed from giving you any real news about the show until Comic-Con this weekend (if you can get to San Diego don't miss it, and if you can't, make sure to read the coverage), I felt I should check in with SOMETHING. So...

Here's what happened: I just took some vitamins. I don't know why. I have no particular faith in any healthful benefits of vitamins, since all the claims have been counterclaimed ad infinitum. Except one benefit. The placebo effect. I believe in the placebo effect. Because the placebo effect relies on a human's ability to deceive himself into feeling better (or worse). And that's a big part of my day, every day. So the way it works is: I take vitamins and I feel better. What's wrong with that?

All you kids, take your vitamins! And watch the show, every Friday night at 8.

(And check back in after Comic-Con, when we'll have more real news to share...)
