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Showing posts from July, 2009

It's the kid, stupid.

You've waited patiently for news about next season. Now that Comic-Con's over, we can tell you what we told the crowd there, and a few tidbits extra... Season 5 in a nutshell is this: It's the kid, stupid. This season's big story is going to be driven by Melinda and Jim's new little guy, Aiden. Carl the Watcher told Melinda that her son would be able to do what she did, “and much, much more” -- and he wasn't lying. From the first episode -- brilliantly directed by Jennifer Love Hewitt -- it will become apparent what some of those gifts are. And that's because, yes, we're jumping five years ahead. I'd like to pretend we agonized over the decision, but really it was a no-brainer. No one wants to miss those early moments of young parenthood for Jim and Melinda -- but those moments are far outweighed by what we'd miss if we didn't jump forward to the time when their son first starts to display some of his special abilities. Plus, you can

I swore to myself...

... that I wouldn't turn this blog into piffle, with constant frivolous personal posts, but since I'm embargoed from giving you any real news about the show until Comic-Con this weekend (if you can get to San Diego don't miss it, and if you can't, make sure to read the coverage), I felt I should check in with SOMETHING. So... Here's what happened: I just took some vitamins. I don't know why. I have no particular faith in any healthful benefits of vitamins, since all the claims have been counterclaimed ad infinitum. Except one benefit. The placebo effect . I believe in the placebo effect. Because the placebo effect relies on a human's ability to deceive himself into feeling better (or worse). And that's a big part of my day, every day. So the way it works is: I take vitamins and I feel better. What's wrong with that? All you kids, take your vitamins! And watch the show, every Friday night at 8. (And check back in after Comic-Con, when we'll h